Warzone Season 3 Reloaded brings squad HUD overhaul: Visible Armor count, Gas Mask, Perks, more - Charlie INTEL

2022-05-28 11:57:03 By : Mr. Noah Hsiang

Warzone players can finally see their squad members inventory with Season 3 Reloaded’s squad HUD overhaul.

Warzone players have been desperate to be able to see how many Armor Plates their squad members have, along with whether or not they have a Gask Mask, Killstreaks, and more. The feature finally arrives with Warzone Pacific Season 3 overhauling the Squad HUD.

Warzone Pacific Season 3 Reloaded is here, bringing the H4 Blixen SMG, the Underground Transit System, and an enormous amount of quality of life updates. Alongside nerfing the Stim later in the season and reducing the player count, the devs have made a highly-requested change to the squad hud. 

Warzone players have always wanted to see their teammates’ equipment in the squad HUD and thanks to the Season 3 Reloaded update, their wish has finally come true. 

Communicating with your team is vital to winning in Warzone, and you’ll often hear the question: “Does anyone have any spare plates?” 

Warzone Season 3 Reloaded will finally leave that query in the past, allowing players to see whether their squadmates have a Gas Mask, Killstreaks, their Armor Plate count, and more. 

Similar to fan concepts, all of the equipment will be displayed below the player’s health bar with small icons indicating how many armor plates they have, if they have a Gas Mask, what Killstreak they have equipped, and more. 

Also, the new squad HUD shows how much cash the team has as a whole, with a small Loadout Drop icon indicating whether they have enough cash to buy the loadout. 

Coordinating with your team, especially without mics, should become much easier in Season 3 Reloaded and beyond. But, you won’t get away with keeping all of the Armor Plates to yourself anymore. 

For more Warzone, be sure to check out everything you need to know about High Value Loot Zones and how to get a Redeploy Extraction Token. 

With the help of leaks, one Call of Duty fan has developed an image of what believe the Warzone 2 map could look like.

After various leaks and even the reveal of Modern Warfare 2, one creative fan in the community has developed fan art of what the Warzone 2 map could look like.

Call of Duty fans have received a lot of new information on both Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 over the last month. As well as leaks surrounding Modern Warfare 2, we also got new details on the Warzone 2 map, including leaks surrounding the potential POIs.

One CoD fan took these leaks and created some incredible art for what the Warzone 2 map could look like if the leaks are accurate.

Reddit user EMADALDEN221 made their own Warzone 2 map based on the POI leaks that suggested some classic MW2 maps such as Quarry and Highrise could be included.

The recreated map images we’ve seen so far haven’t been as detailed as this one, and although this is just a creation by someone in the community, it’s based on leaks from reliable sources.

The design created by the Reddit user shares similarities to Verdansk, and those who aren’t fans of Caldera may be happy about this. For starters, the map is not an island, but rather a part of a much bigger bit of land.

The fan-made map definitely has more of a Blackout vibe, with bright colors and a focus on greenery, which wasn’t seen too much on Verdansk.

We’ll have to wait and see how accurate this depiction is when Warzone 2’s map is officially revealed.

For more on Call of Duty, check out the full cast list so far for Modern Warfare 2.

Top Warzone YouTuber JGOD explained how the new H4 Blixen fits right in the SMG meta and gave his recommended loadout.

The H4 Blixen SMG is brand-new to Warzone Pacific Season 3 Reloaded, and it’s already set to shake up the meta. Top Warzone YouTuber JGOD has explained why his loadout is a meta pick.

On top of all Warzone Season 3 Reloaded‘s major weapon balance changes, new squad HUD, and Underground Transit System, it introduced the H4 Blixen SMG, also referred to as the Carl Gustaf M/45.

Although the H4 Blixen currently has a frustrating glitch where it has a fire delay after sprinting, reloading, using equipment, and plating, the devs have confirmed a fix is in the works. YouTuber JGOD believes that after it’s fixed, the Blixen has the time to kill stats to join the SMG meta.

JGOD revealed how the Blixen has the TTK stats to compete with all of the meta SMGs such as the Armaguerra, Owen Gun, Welgun, and the Type 100. Describing it as a “high damage weapon,” he compared its TTK to these meta builds and discovered that it fits right in.

JGOD explained how it’s right in the middle of the SMG meta, where there are some weapons that kill faster but are harder to control, and others that are easier to control but don’t kill quite as fast.

If you’re bored of the other Vanguard SMGs or can’t quite find one that suits your playstyle, unlocking the H4 Blixen will be worth your time.

For the most part, JGOD’s H4 Blixen loadout is the standard build for Vanguard SMGs. Combining the Recoil Booster with the Jonsson 9″ RMK damage barrel vastly increases its time-to-kill, and the other attachments are for recoil control and mobility.

You do have a couple of options, though. He explained that you might be better off with the 7.62 Gorenko 36 Round Mags when playing Solos and Duos, as you’ll only be taking on one or two players at a time.

Ammunition choice is also flexible, where Lengthened, Hollow Point, or Subsonic are all viable options. These ammo types will make the Blixen’s range either a little bit better or a little bit worse, and Subsonic will hide your shots from the minimap.

For more on Warzone, be sure to check out why players are desperate for Raven to nerf the game’s most popular weapon — the STG44.

Warzone accidentally turned the AX-50 into a hitscan Sniper, and this caught the attention of the devs who have now fixed the issue.

Although the Warzone Season 3 Reloaded update nerfed some of the most popular Sniper Rifles, it accidentally made the AX-50 completely hitscan. This caught the attention of the devs, who fixed the issue on May 27.

Warzone’s IW8 engine uses projectile-based weapons, meaning that a bullet is a physical object affected by travel time and bullet drop. Weapons with top bullet velocity are often described as hitscan because it feels like the bullet lands instantly.

However, there are no truly hitscan weapons in the game — at least, there weren’t meant to be. Following all of the major weapon buffs and nerfs in Warzone’s Season 3 Reloaded update, the AX-50 became truly a hitscan weapon but the issue has now been fixed.

‘Hitscan’ means that a bullet isn’t a physical object and will hit as soon as the trigger is pulled, regardless of distance or whether the target is moving. Modern Warfare’s SP-R was accidentally hitscan when it was first released back in September 2020, and the AX-50 had the same issue following Season 3 Reloaded.

The website Sym.gg, which datamines weapon stats, discovered that the AX-50 became hitscan with the Season 3 Reloaded update. The AX-50 usually suffers from low bullet velocity and a bullet drop but we can see how its bullets registered immediately, where they simply needed to click on the target for the bullet to hit.

The AX-50 is now HITSCAN in #CallofDutyWarzone Enjoy it while it lasts @IceManIsaac @JGODYT @MrProWestie @TheTacticalBrit @Elgoomtaf @P4wnyhof @timthetatman @NICKMERCS Expect a https://t.co/ml55y76hwx #Warzone site update to follow soon(tm) pic.twitter.com/7oiLxqThp5

YouTuber JGOD, known for his expertise in weapon stats and game mechanics, tested out the AX-50 and confirmed that it was hitscan, and it quickly became one of the most popular guns in the game.

On May 26, Warzone’s devs marked it under “investigating” on their Trello board. This card has now been moved to the “resolved” list and Raven Software have confirmed to us that the AX-50’s hitscan issue has been patched out.

For more Warzone, be sure to check out Warzone 2’s map reportedly leaking, showing all of the POIs.

With the help of leaks, one Call of Duty fan has developed an image of what believe the Warzone 2...

Top Warzone YouTuber JGOD explained how the new H4 Blixen fits right in the SMG meta and gave his recommended...

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