Last November, a crowd surge during Travis Scott’s performance at the Astroworld Festival left 10 people dead; and over a hundred injured. While the trials and lawsuits are still ongoing surrounding this tragedy; a documentary is slated to be screened this week (May 6) across 11 cities in Texas where the incident occurred. The documentary is called—Concert Crush: The Travis Scott Festival Tragedy.
The film was produced by Charlie Minn, and features interviews from attendees who survived the crowd surge. It also has clips and footage from event organizers, fans, and security guards. And to paint a picture of what it was actually like to be there in that moment.
There has been significant pushback against the film by the lawyers and festival promoters at Live Nation; who are currently in the middle of multiple lawsuits. They claim that one of the plaintiff lawyers had a hand in the creation of the film. And the filmmakers seek to derail the defendant’s case by influencing the jury with this documentary.
“The involvement of plaintiffs’ lawyers in the film, and the publicity the filmmakers and producers are trying to generate for it raise significant issues about efforts to taint the jury pool,”
Producer Charlie Minn defends that the documentary is unbiased and was quoted to the Associated Press saying:
“My job is to make the most truthful, honest, sincere documentary from the victim’s point of view. We need to know about these stories to prevent it from happening again,”
Information on the documentary, including locations and showtimes can be found here.